The Reward for Surviving Rough Seas

The Reward for Surviving Rough Seas
We are all like sea shells tossed about in rough waters and being re-shaped in wondrous ways. But have you ever contemplated the notion that sea shells have to complete their journey through the rough waters before they get to rest on the shore? Yeah, we are ALL like sea shells and Heaven is The Great Shore.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Greetings Everybody,
It's Easter Sunday Morning and I am thrilled.
Today we remember and celebrate...

JESUS rose from the Grave
and because of that WE can be Saved.

Like Many Other Families Around the World, this day will have 2 aspects :
-The Intensely Reflective Spiritual Part
-And then there's...the whole Easter Bunny & Eggs thing.

Yes I think it's possible to keep the Spiritual Part and still play with the Easter Eggs.
Don't over think this thing.  

At Christmas we have the whole Birth of Christ celebration as well as the Santa thing.

Still, People must Search Their Souls on such issues.
And yes I know that alot of people get their knickers in a twist about days like this that allegedly pollute Christianity by the co-mingling of Pagan Celebrations.

However, we have thought this through, and do not feel polluted.
It does not hurt to ponder such things. 
We are told to "test the spirits"...

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the

spirits to see whether they are from God, because many

false prophets have gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1

We did not find The Easter Bunny to be a spiritual threat. 
And so we enjoy the whole Easter Egg hide & seek party.

Today our Family will go to Church and we will remember the sacrifice Christ made and how he took on our sins to be the sacrifice for the world.  

We will remember that he was crucified and placed in a tomb. 

We will rejoice that he defeated death, rose from the grave, appeared before His Disciples, gave the Great Commission, and Ascended to Heaven to Prepare a Place for Us.

But there is still a time for Easter Eggs and silliness on this day.


In Him,

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