The Reward for Surviving Rough Seas

The Reward for Surviving Rough Seas
We are all like sea shells tossed about in rough waters and being re-shaped in wondrous ways. But have you ever contemplated the notion that sea shells have to complete their journey through the rough waters before they get to rest on the shore? Yeah, we are ALL like sea shells and Heaven is The Great Shore.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Today I needed Grace Under Pressure and God delivered!

The idea for this blog came today.
It came to me after I began to reflect on the various ways that God had been in control all day long (and after I began to dislodge my shoulders from my ears, which is what happens sometimes when I get stressed lol)

I reflected on how it had been a day full of Pressure but that The Lord had supplied Grace throughout.

And it hit me, that perhaps I should start a blog.
I prayed about that, and then kinda got excited about it, and then the name came to me.

Grace Under Pressure

So this is the first post in the first blog I have ever started and I hope it blesses someone!
Honestly I hope it blesses a LOT of someone's lol.

Ok...back to the story of how God helped me today and supplied me with Grace Under Pressure.

Let me give you a bit of background.
I teach high school students (this alone should be sufficient to cause many of you to drop to your knees and begin lifting me up in prayer right? lol).

Anyway, this was anything BUT a normal day for me. Such chaos. Such emotion. Such crisis.

Here's a few of the highlights:
During 1st period, there was a knock on my classroom door. Two young ladies were on the other side.

One of them said, "I wanted to speak to the drug counselor, but he is not here today.   I heard you were wise and that you help kids. Can I talk to you?"

I reminded her that I am not a school counselor.
I told her that if she talked about a safety issue or a legal issue that I would have to report it and asked her if she was sure that she still wanted to talk to me.
She said she was certain.
And so her story began.
These were not my students, but they consumed a HUGE portion of my day.

While I was in the hallway talking to the girls, my student teacher took over my classes.
She didn't know she was going to teach today.
But she was there and she was able, and she took over so that I could tend to something that continued to escalate for the next several hours.

The rest of the morning is now a blur from dealing with issues about drugs & pre-marital sex & theft & gang activity & knife fights & crime stopper reports & parents & counselors & assistant principals.

I was exhausted by the time the ending bell rang for the day, but still had major things to attend to. There was an Air Conditioning Repair man who was scheduled to be waiting for me by the time I could get home. Our AC died yesterday and here I was looking at a Friday afternoon repairman and the viable probability of no AC for the weekend.  We were preparing for the the 6-8 thousand dollar buck-fest-o-fun  that would be required to replace our old unit.

I had forgotten that God had been in control all day long.
I had forgotten that he takes care of his own.
Not sure HOW I temporarily forgot that, but it happened.

Now before I deliver the punchline in this little story, let me remind you that it was a day of a thousand challenges followed swiftly by a thousand blessings.

Did I mention that during my lunch period, I helped my student teacher test drive all the technology she will need for an upcoming lesson, ate soup while helping her, and also responded to several campus emails from people seeking information quickly. No quiet restorative lunchtime for Grace today.

Did I mention praying with one of the counselors in her office today.  She was having the same kind of day that I was.  She was overwhelmed. Did I mention that I was in tears and feeling overwhelmed but that I got up, closed her office door, took her hand, and prayed outloud for her and me and for the kids and for our school.

Did I mention talking about God with one of the assistant principals I had to visit with today?  She is just back from surgical leave, and while we were talking about the situation with the students I was dealing with, I couldn't help but feel that there was something else on her mind. She had a far away look in her eyes.  She is just back from surgical leave and is only able to work half days. God opened a door, and she told me a little of her situation and shared that she knew she could trust me.

Did I mention that as soon as I left her office I walked straight into a faculty member who was crying in the hallway, doubting her ability to reach these kids and needing someone to hug.

God just kept giving me GRACE UNDER PRESSURE.

He positioned me to help kids today.
He positioned me to help grownups today.
He positioned others to stand in for me while I was called to do what was needed.
And He brought me blessing after blessing after blessing.

Here's the punchline of the story:  The Air Conditioner repair bill today was an even 100 dollars!

YUP another blessing.

I was honored to serve The King today.

Let me leave you with two of my favorites:

"And my God will supply all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
                                                                                   Philippians 4:19

"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven."
                                                                                   Matthew 10:32

In Him,

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