The Reward for Surviving Rough Seas

The Reward for Surviving Rough Seas
We are all like sea shells tossed about in rough waters and being re-shaped in wondrous ways. But have you ever contemplated the notion that sea shells have to complete their journey through the rough waters before they get to rest on the shore? Yeah, we are ALL like sea shells and Heaven is The Great Shore.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Are You Blooming!

Greetings Everybody,
It's good to be back home. 
We went out of town this past week and visited with lots of family at an annual get-together out in the boonies!

Lots of stories I could tell you about that, lol
But for now, I'd rather just talk about this flower, because I think it can teach us all a few things.

I took this photo back in May but just haven't had a chance to post it for you guys yet. Hope you enjoy it.:)

It's a pretty thing isn't it.

Relatively short lifespan.

But while it's alive,  it's Living.


It's not holding anything back.

It copes with Sunshine and Darkness and Wind and Rain.

And it thrives.

It thrives because it CAN.

And PEOPLE are like that too.

Though we certainly live longer than flowers, 
still, we have a relatively short lifespan.

We Face Sunshine in the Happy Times.

Darkness in the Hard Times.

Wind in the Storms of Life.

And Refreshing Rain that Restores us if we let it.

So here's your question...

Are YOU Blooming like this?
Are YOU Living Without Holding Back.
Are YOU Thriving?

I hope so.
Really Truly Hope So.

May you soak up the "Son-shine".
May you rest assured in HIM through The Darkness.
May you bend & not break when the Stormy winds blow.
May you Rejoice during the Gentle Healing Rains.

May you choose to THRIVE and REALLY TRULY LIVE!

Blessings to you all!

In Him,


Christine said...

Welcome back!
Thriving and not holding back...hummmm. I need to soak up more Son-shine, be more flexable so I won't break.
Thank you for getting me to think.

Grace said...

Nice to hear from you again Christine.

Got an idea for ya...
And you are in a unique position to be able to do this.

Those of us in Education, tend to give the best of our time and energy over to "the cause".
It's the same in many professions to be honest about that.

And that tendency is not going to be squealched just because the date on the calendar says you have retired now.

What volunteer areas call to you?
Assisted Living Visitations?
Soup Kitchens?
Political Awareness Groups?
Religious Involvement/Mission Trips?

You have lived with this daily Pie-Chart of time, energy, and resources allocation for a good number of years. And I would wager that this Pie Chart has been pretty full up to this point.

Retirement must seem pretty confusing right now.

I suspect that you WANT to rest a bit, but also don't want to wither into uselessly watching the clock on the wall and wondering if anything eventful will happen today.

Ask God, to show you ways to use the vital skills that he has given to you.

Ask God, to show you where he wants you to be involved.

Try a few things out.

Re-invest yourself in something meanful...on a volunteer basis...since that IS what retirement is about.

Christin, need to warn you that this next part is a little twist in the flow of our conversation, but stay with me for just a bit. I'll bring it around for you at the end.

Now on to my next point...

Christine, I would wager that you have a good number of shoes in your closet.

And many of those shoes have parameters associated with when you should wear them.

Heels, tennis shoes, sandals, flip- flops, house-shoes.
Heels for work, tennis shoes for lots of walking, etc etc etc.

You get the gist here.

And when you retired you did NOT just migrate to the House-Shoes ONLY mentality.

You have many skills, and have much to offer.

When you retired you didn't die.
You didn't become useless.
You didn't surrender your importance, standing, or personal value.

You just simply "Changed Shoes".

Blessings to you Christine...I am still praying for you and your hubby.

And Happy 4th of July!

In Him,